Ganesha Predicts: Marital Strife for Shahid Kapoor
Here's the latest update from the world of Bollywood. We bet you wouldn't want to miss this. Read on for details... May not get expected results from his films either

More Effort, Less Appreciation
Shahid will continue to perform well on screen, but he may not earn the desired appreciation. We have already seen what happened with Shaandaar. A similar trend may continue for a few more months.

No Contentment
A lot of things will cause Shahid immense discontent in the coming months. He will have to avoid negativity to keep himself motivated. On the whole, this year may not be as smooth as some of the previous ones.
Don’t Neglect Family
Sasha will have to pay attention to his personal life as Ketu – the planet of detachment -- will be passing over his natal Venus, Sun and Mars. There is a chance of misunderstandings cropping up with his wife and loved ones. He will have to devote quality time to his personal life.